Small Animal Topic

Anal Sac Tumors in Dogs

...hypercalcemia and presence of lymph node involvement. Surgical removal of these nodes can produce long-term relief of constipation. Some animals have had multiple surgeries to remove recurrent lymph nodes to...
Small Animal Topic

Otitis Externa

...ear canal must be removed because of the extent of the ear canal disease. Lateral Ear Canal Resection (“Zepp”) Procedure Opening up the side of the ear canal will let...
Small Animal Topic

Mammary Tumors

...character of all the mammary masses and assess local lymph node enlargement. Other procedures are performed to stage the cancer (determine what type it is and where it is located...
Small Animal Topic

Perianal Fistulas

...anal sacs or fistula may be collected for microscopic examination (aspiration cytology or histopathology) or for bacterial culture and sensitivity. Figure 1: Small perianal fistula (arrow). Figure 2: Severe perianal...
Small Animal Topic

Bone Tumors in Cats and Dogs

...of cases. Palliative treatment options include pain-killing drugs, bisphosphonate therapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Many drugs have pain-killing (analgesic) properties, but the degree of analgesia provided by these drugs can...
Small Animal Topic

Mast Cell Tumors

...and submitted to histopathology for analysisanalysis biopsy and histopathologic analysis has been performed. Figure 1. Microscopic picture of mast cells. Notice the dark staining granules within the cell resulting in...
Small Animal Topic

Lung Lobe Tumors

...longer when the tumor is smaller or located on the periphery of the lung lobe (15–17.5 months), when the lymph nodes are small (20 months) and when the tumor can...
Small Animal Topic

Nasopharyngeal Polyps

...the ear canal rather than into the back of the throat (nasopharynx). Figure 1. A young adult cat with a nasopharyngeal polyp struggles to breathe. Cats that are having trouble...
Large Animal Topic

Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicles) in Horses

...testicle (black arrow) is resting in the abdomen next to the inguinal canal (white arrow). In a normal horse, only the spermatic cord (black arrowhead) would be seen passing through...