Small Animal Topic

Otitis Externa

...seen in Shar peis) or long floppy ear flaps (for example, Basset hounds) that prevent air flow. Hormonal problems, such as poor thyroid function, or other underlying skin disorders may...
Small Animal Topic

Dermoid Sinus

A dermoid sinus, also known as a pilonidal sinus, is a tubular skin defect caused by incomplete separation of the skin and the nervous system during embryonic development. The sinus...
Small Animal Topic

Urinary Obstruction in Dogs

...The urethra has been sewn to the skin with a “whipstitch” to prevent bleeding. The other skin sutures will need to be removed in 10-14 days. Figure 4. One day...
Small Animal Topic


...material into an intestinal lymphatic vessel or lymph node to allow for the delineation of TD anatomy and confirm TDL after surgery (lymphangiography, Figure 2). Another technique that has shown...
Small Animal Topic

Urinary Obstruction in Male Cats

...Figure 3 Pelleted or paper litter may be used for several days after the surgery. Cats that have severe swelling or leakage of urine under the skin may require placement...
Small Animal Topic

Parathyroid Tumors

...movement during the ablation. The hair on the neck is clipped and the skin is scrubbed similar to surgical preparation. Ultrasound is used to identify the parathyroid tumor and a...
Small Animal Topic

Perianal Fistulas

Perianal fistulas are tunnel-like formations in the skin and deeper tissues that surround the anal area of dogs. The lesions vary in severity but at first appear as small oozing...
Large Animal Topic

Patent Urachus in Foals

...or any other part of the foal. Mild complications of a patent urachus include: urine scalding of the abdominal skin surrounding the navel dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) local abscess...
Small Animal Topic

Spontaneous Pneumothorax

...perforation that results in both a pneumothorax and additional air accumulation in secondary anatomic locations (i.e. under the skin and around the structures of the heart). Secondary causes of spontaneous...