Small Animal Topic

Gallbladder Mucocele

...tinge to the skin or gums abdominal pain or splinting Figure 1 Figure 2 Diagnosis of the gallbladder mucoceles relies on physical examination by your primary care veterinarian and blood...
Small Animal Topic

Salivary Mucocele necessary to change the bandage frequently. If the wound is not bandaged, it is helpful to apply warm compresses with a damp towel. This will help clean the skin...
Small Animal Topic

Aural Hematoma

An aural hematoma is a collection of blood within the cartilage of the ear and the skin. This is most commonly the result of external physical trauma to the pinna...
Large Animal Topic

Guttural Pouch Mycosis

...coiled and secured under the skin. The balloon and catheter are usually removed within 1–4 weeks after surgery. Transarterial coil or plug embolization. This procedure places small coils or vascular...
Small Animal Topic

Intervertebral Disc Disease

...usually returned for recheck and removal of skin sutures or staples (if present). Pain can be well controlled with owner-administered medications. Postoperative recovery following surgery may include: Bladder expression 3–4...
Small Animal Topic

Tracheal Collapse They are usually returned for recheck and removal of skin sutures or staples (if present). Pain can be well-controlled with owner-administered medications. Recommendations following ring or stent placement include:...
Small Animal Topic

Mandibular Fractures

...through the skin into the bone fragments and then connecting these pins to a connecting rod that provides stability so that proper healing can occur. The majority of the ESF...
Large Animal Topic

Ophthalmology Surgical Emergencies in Horses the skull, air pockets under the skin that crackle when touched, bleeding from the nose and/or a bulging look to the eyeball. Fracture of the orbit may result in...
Large Animal Topic

Angular Limb Deviation in Horses

...bandage over the surgical site until skin suture removal (10-14 days after surgery) Repeat radiographs to verify complete correction of the deviation Removal of screws and wires as soon as...
Small Animal Topic

Infraspinatus Muscle Contracture incisional seroma. This is a collection of fluid under the skin at the surgery site that results from joint fluid leakage or excess movement of the tissues in the...