Small Animal Topic

Bone Tumors in Cats and Dogs

...grade (i.e., osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma), whether the surgical margins are free of tumor cells (for limb-sparing surgery), and whether the tumor has spread to a regional lymph node. Figure 5...
Large Animal Topic

Colic in Adult Cattle

...intake Scant to no manure production Straining to defecate Abdominal distention Increased heart rate Increased respiratory rate Teeth grinding Signs of abdominal discomfort: Kicking at abdomen Getting up and down...
Small Animal Topic


...complete blood count urinalysis abdominal radiographs abdominal ultrasound vaginal cytology Radiographs are typically very suggestive but abdominal ultrasounds will typically identify the fluid filled uterus (Figure 1). Figure 1. A...
Small Animal Topic

Portosystemic Shunts

...acids are increased. Bile acids can increase with any liver disease, so high bile acids are not specific to congenital portosystemic shunts. abdominal radiographs abdominal ultrasound (Figure 2) nuclear scintigraphy...
Small Animal Topic

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus

...Initial signs are often associated with abdominal pain. These can include but are not limited to: an anxious look or looking at the abdomen standing and stretching drooling distending abdomen...
Small Animal Topic


...a tube will be placed in the chest that can be aspirated post-operatively. Some veterinary surgeons will also perform an abdominal surgery to allow for the injection of a contrast...
Small Animal Topic

Urinary Obstruction in Dogs

...for crystals, which may help to determine the type of stone present, and for evidence of infection, and may be submitted for culture. Figure 1a. Abdominal radiograph of a dog...
Small Animal Topic


...may demonstrate clinical signs relating to the underlying disease process. Patients suffering from cryptorchid testicles may demonstrate an abdominal mass on physical examination, which may cause clinical signs such as...
Large Animal Topic

Patent Urachus in Foals

...or any other part of the foal. Mild complications of a patent urachus include: urine scalding of the abdominal skin surrounding the navel dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) local abscess...
Large Animal Topic

Cesarean Section in Cattle

A cesarean section (“C-section”) is an incision through the abdominal wall into the abdomen which is used to isolate the uterus. An incision is made through the uterus in order...