Honored Mentor
Gary W. Ellison
Gary Ellison is an organic teacher, allowing residents to learn with a long tether, but accessible support. An impossibly delicate surgeon, he has imprinted on his cadets the importance of gentle tissue handling; that microsurgery can be performed through size 8 gloves; that wisdom and inspiration can equally come from your junior peers; and most importantly, that elective surgeries must never be scheduled for date-night. With much love.
- Anonymous

Dr. Ellison was incredibly impactful in my development as a surgeon, teacher, and researcher. Without his guidance, I would not be in the position I am now as an academic soft tissue surgeon. He has impacted so many surgeons and veterinarians during his career!
- Mandy Wallace, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)

I have to say the high point of my professional career was to be nominated by a large number of my former residents as an ACVS honored mentor. Like most new residents I was like a deer in the headlight when I started out. I was so fortunate to have superb guidance as a young trainee. My mentors taught me to strive for excellence in preparedness and case care but to stay humble, never take never yourself too seriously and to use humor to break the tension on difficult days. Hopefully I passed these values on to those I helped train.
- Gary W. Ellison, DVM, MS, DACVS
Being a mentor to aspiring young surgeons has unquestionably been the high point of my career and I am honored. I have been fortunate to work under outstanding ACVS mentors. They strove for excellence. They knew when to encourage and when to be critical. They were invested in me, cared about me and helped me with career choices. Hopefully I’ve been of similar help to those I have helped train.
- Gregory M. Anderson, DVM, DACVS
- Jamie R. Bellah, DVM, DACVS
- Alastair R. Coomer, BVSc, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Laura C. Cuddy, MVB, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Caleb C. Hudson, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Carl T. Jehn, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Stephen C. Jones, MVB, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Stanley Kim, BVSc, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Kelley M. Thieman Mankin, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Valery Scharf, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Colin W. Sereda, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Kristin Kirkby Shaw, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Mandy Wallace, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)