Honored Mentor
Donald A. Hulse
Don’s contributions are admired around the world. Don has done so much to make me a better surgeon and person. I began collaborating with Don in 1992 and have worked closely with him ever since in clinical, research, and teaching roles. He is one of the most caring and unselfish people I know, and I am honored to support him as an ACVS Honored Mentor and have him as one of my closest friends.
- Brian S. Beale, DVM, DACVS
Dr. Hulse has been instrumental in the mentoring of many surgeons and has touched so many, me included. He is the one who always pushes me to make myself a better surgeon. His best advice to me was to take what he has taught and to continuously strive to make it better.
- David Dycus, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)

I am grateful to Dr. Hulse for the excellent training and mentorship during my residency.
- Joanne N. Franks, DVM, DACVS
Don Hulse played a pivotal role in my development as an orthopedic surgeon during my residency at Texas A&M. He always had a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and he pushed me in the right direction. He knew what I needed and challenged me every step of the way. When you find your mentor, you find your destiny. Thanks Don for molding me into the surgeon I am today.
- Carlos Hodges, DVM

I have known and taught with Don for a number of years now. Every time we interact, I learn something new, and I am truly inspired by his continued passion to innovate and research to better our patients’ lives. Don is approachable, learned, and eager to teach, and does this with a remarkable level of humility and kindness. Thanks for everything you do Don!
- Stephen C. Jones, MVB, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)

What a joy to see the delight and pride in a young surgeon's eyes the first time they accomplish a procedure!
- Donald A. Hulse DVM, DACVS
- Brian S. Beale, DVM, DACVS
- David Dycus, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Joanne N. Franks, DVM, DACVS
- Carlos Hodges, DVM
- Stephen C. Jones, MVB, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)