Honored Mentor
Daniel D. Lewis
Dan Lewis is a father to over 20 ‘children.’ We left the nest with the fundamental life-skills of ALD correction and the ability to fix any fracture with an ESF; the humility to always share accommodation regardless of qualification, tenure or affluence; the ingrained commitment to always accept responsibility for our actions (complications); and with the knowledge that Dan gave each one of us an opportunity to study and practice surgery in twenty bespoke ways.
- With much love, from 10 of Dan's most recent children

Dr. Lewis developed an incredible residency program at the University of Florida, and his example of how to develop excellent surgeons was the driving force behind my desire to be a residency program director. He is an excellent mentor who cared for us beyond just our development as surgeons. His impact on many surgeons and veterinarians is immeasurable!
- Mandy Wallace, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)

I am very proud of the residency program we have built at the University of Florida. Watching our residents develop and mature, both professionally and personally, has probably been the most rewarding facet of my career. I fondly refer to our residents as ‘my non-biologic children’ and, like my own kids, I am very proud of all they have accomplished, grateful for all they have taught me and appreciative of all their contributions to our program.
- Daniel D. Lewis, DVM, DACVS
- Gregory M. Anderson, DVM, DACVS
- Alastair R. Coomer, BVSc, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Laura C. Cuddy, MVB, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Caleb C. Hudson, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Carl T. Jehn, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Stephen C. Jones, MVB, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Stanley Kim, BVSc, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Kelley M. Thieman Mankin, MS, DVM, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Valery Scharf, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Colin W. Sereda, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Kristin Kirkby Shaw, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVS (Small Animal)
- Mandy Wallace, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)