Small Animal Topic


...mastocitomas. Enfermedad felina de los mastocitos: La enfermedad felina de los mastocitos es distinta de los mastocitomas que se encuentran en pacientes caninos. El 8-21 % de los tumores felinos...
Honored Mentor

Charles E. DeCamp

...of surgery. A teacher when we needed a teacher, a task master when we needed a task master, a colleague when we needed a colleague. But most importantly, a true...
Small Animal Topic

Mucocele Salival

...probabilidad inician el mucocele son un traumatismo provocado por correas estranguladoras, heridas por mordeduras o masticar materiales extraños. A medida que la saliva se filtra del conducto o la glándula...
Honored Mentor

Mimi Arighi

...and staff. Amazing human being! A master soft tissue surgeon, the Jedi Master of bovine surgery. The Who’s Who of the art of veterinary student education. She imparted her knowledge...
Small Animal Topic

Otitis Externa

...cabeza y se muestren incómodos al abrir mucho la boca o masticar alimentos. Además, el bloqueo del conducto auditivo externo reduce su capacidad de oír y hace que respondan menos...
Honored Mentor

Patrick T. Colahan

He is the gentle giant of equine surgeons. Smooth as silk in surgery, knowledgeable as a fighter pilot in managing post operative issues, and the master of client communication. We...
Honored Mentor

David G. Wilson

...Perfection in surgery was easy for him. We all tried our best to master his skill level as he selflessly gave his time to teach us the art of veterinary...